My name is Tina. I'm 30 years old and I have one child. Her name is Emmaree and she is three. I've been married once and am currently divorced. So with all that background you are probably wondering why even take the plung to purity. I mean it's not like I can truly call myself pure. Well it's because I believe that it's never too late to decide to walk the path of purity. Sure it's not going to be easy. But this is my journey towards that road.
My reasoning for wanting to be sexually pure is heavily spiritual. I do belive that sex is a sacred spiritual act and can only be honored in a marriage covenant. However, one does not have to be spiritual to desire purity. I am a Christian and while I welcome all who want to read or add to this blog, I do have to say that the basis of my beliefs and this blog will center Christianity.
Another reason why I decided to be sexually pure is because while sex is pleasurable, the consequences makes the act not worth doing. No one really exposes the consequences to sexual sin. Well I want to research and uncover the truth. What really happens when we open ourselves up to sexual activity outside of marriage and even inside of marriage for that matter. There's much to be said and much to reveal and I hope you tag along with me while we learn together the real truth about sex.
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